The latest news, trends, analysis, interviews and podcasts from the global food and beverage industry

FoodBev Media
15 July 2008
BFJA Podcasts

The British Fruit Juice Association (BFJA) Annual Symposium took place last month (5 June 2008) with the theme of sustainability high on the agenda. is pleased to be able to present a short series of podcasts featuring two of the speakers at the event.
The first download is an introduction to the BFJA Symposium by Jill Ardagh, the Director General of the British Soft Drinks Association (BSDA). Click the link to hear the introduction, or save it to your desktop by right-clicking and choosing ‘Save link as’.
Mark Rhodes is Director of Corporate Environment, Health & Safety at GlaxoSmithKline. His talk, entitled ‘Adaptation or Extinction’, is available to download in two parts.
Jonathon Porritt CBE is the Chairman of the Sustainable Development Commission, and is co-founder and Programme Director of Forum for the Future.
<5>.Finally, a question and answer session is available to download in five parts.
<1>: /downloads/BFJA08-01-JillArdagh.mp3 <2>: /downloads/BFJA08-02-MarkRhodes.mp3 <3>: /downloads/BFJA08-03-MarkRhodes.mp3 <4>: /downloads/Part04-Jonathon.mp3 <5>: /downloads/Part05-Jonathon.mp3 <6>: /downloads/Part06-Questions.mp3 <7>: /downloads/Part07-Questions.mp3 <8>: /downloads/Part08-Questions.mp3 <9>: /downloads/Part09-Questions.mp3 <10>: /downloads/Part10-Questions.mp3