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Interview: Innovation leads to boundless possibilities
FoodBev Media

FoodBev Media

16 October 2023

Interview: Innovation leads to boundless possibilities

FoodBev Media spoke with Yun Zhanyou, vice president of Yili Group, about his recent role in the International Dairy Federation (IDF), and how the federation serves as a platform for sharing experiences, enhancing innovation and promoting sustainable development in the global dairy industry. To begin, could you introduce yourself and your role as vice president of Yili? My name is Yun Zhanyou, and I hold the position of vice president at Yili, where I am responsible for innovation R&D management and intellectual property rights-related work. I am also one of the representatives of Yili at global and regional conferences. I pursued my PhD in bio-engineering at Osaka University in Japan. Before that, I gained valuable experience working at the Research Institute of Dalian University of Technology. With over 20 years of experience in the field of R&D, I have dedicated my career to advancing the dairy industry. Since 2007, I have also been serving as a member of the IDF Standing Committee on Dairy Science and Technology. I am delighted and deeply honoured to have been elected as a member of the IDF Board of Directors today. Together, we can work together towards sharing experiences and promoting sustainable development of the global dairy industry. Can you outline the key objectives and expectations that Yili has from its involvement in the IDF general meeting? This year marks the 120th anniversary of the IDF’s establishment. The federation has played a pivotal role in fostering dairy science and technological innovation worldwide. It has made substantial contributions to the sustainable development of the global dairy industry. Currently, six experts from Yili have been actively serving in various IDF working bodies, contributing to the development of areas such as microbial analysis, composition analysis and dairy industry economics and policymaking. Through our participation in IDF, we aspire to amplify the voices of dairy enterprises in China and other emerging markets. We hope to build a bridge for information sharing, innovation and cooperation, thereby making further contributions to the industry’s development. Firstly, by fostering a mutually beneficial network of international partners, we aim to facilitate communication and information sharing on the latest industry trends, research, and technological advancements. This will enable us to better serve a diverse range of consumers worldwide. Secondly, we are thrilled to share Yili’s experience in dairy innovation and R&D, digitalisation, sustainable development and other areas. By doing so, we seek to promote the high-quality development of the global dairy industry and contribute to building a better and healthier world for all. What strategic insights or innovations can Yili bring to the global dairy sector? Yili has gathered extensive experience in innovation and R&D, digitalisation and sustainability. In the realm of innovation and R&D, Yili is actively establishing a global innovation network and attracting top talent and resources from around the world. This approach enables us to overcome technical barriers in the dairy industry, catering to the diverse needs of consumers across various scenarios and throughout the entire life cycle of nutrition and health products. Regarding digitalisation, Yili is advancing the digital transformation of the entire supply chain, implementing a comprehensive digital operating system that encompasses upstream, midstream and downstream operations. We continuously upgrade intelligent equipment and leverage digital technologies to enhance the efficiency, safety and quality of dairy production. Furthermore, digital technologies enable us to gain deeper insights into the consumer market and predict emerging trends. The expansion of new consumer channels, such as live streaming e-commerce, further facilitates convenient and efficient access to the nutritional products consumers require. Yili is also committed to sustainable development and actively aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Yili has upgraded its “WISH 2030” Golden Key Sustainable Development System featuring actions in four major areas, namely: 'Comprehensive value management,' 'high-quality products and services,' 'a net-zero carbon better future,' and 'shared prosperity for a better life,' to create value for a better future for the community and even the whole world. How does Yili envision strengthening international collaborations and partnerships within the dairy industry through its engagement with IDF? Yili has been dedicated to fostering dialogue and collaboration between China’s dairy industry and the global dairy industry. Through our participation in IDF, we aim to serve as a bridge, strengthening international cooperation in the global dairy industry by facilitating knowledge sharing, promoting innovation and R&D, and attracting top talent. With extensive market, innovation and manufacturing networks worldwide, Yili has made significant strides in emerging international markets, particularly in Asia. By actively engaging in exchanges within the IDF, we can share our practical experiences and development achievements, contributing to sustainable growth in the industry. Furthermore, Yili seeks to seize new opportunities by collaborating on R&D projects with IDF members and global partners. By integrating resources and fostering cooperation in areas such as product development, production techniques and sustainable practices, we can collectively tackle global challenges and achieve innovative breakthroughs. Recognising the importance of nurturing professionals in the internationalised dairy industry, Yili aims to attract more international talent through collaborative efforts. We strive to enhance professional knowledge and capabilities, cultivating a highly skilled workforce that drives the industry’s advancement and promotes its overall development. What unique perspectives or experiences does Yili bring to the table as a Chinese company in this global leadership role? Yili, as a prominent dairy company in China, has made consistent advancements in the global dairy industry, climbing the ranks from the top 20 to the top 10 and eventually the top five. Over the past 30 years, Yili has achieved steady growth by adhering to the belief of “no innovation, no future”. Through increasing investments in key resources and continuous innovation, Yili has emerged as a leader in the industry. As of last year, Yili held the second position among the top 10 global dairy companies in terms of total patent applications and invention patent applications. Throughout its development, Yili has remained committed to a “consumer-centric” philosophy, which serves as the foundation for sustainable and high-quality industry growth. With the increasing awareness of health and the pursuit of diverse and personalised lifestyles, consumers’ demands have evolved. Yili has consistently strived to meet these demands by providing consumers with high-quality, nutritious and delicious products. While Yili originated in the Chinese market, it has actively expanded its presence globally. Over the years, Yili has established an international business network, developed a global innovation, resource, and market system and fostered deep cooperation with upstream and downstream partners in the global supply chain. Presently, Yili operates 15 R&D centres and 81 production bases worldwide, spanning across Asia, Europe, Oceania and the Americas. With over 2,000 partners globally, Yili is positioned to drive innovation and explore new possibilities for the global dairy industry as the leading dairy enterprise in Asia. As the largest dairy enterprise in the Asian dairy industry, Yili is committed to supporting global industry innovation and seeking further development opportunities. Yili will continue to listen to the needs of consumers worldwide, delivering higher quality products and services and realizing the dream of 'World Integrally Sharing Health'. In what ways does Yili plan to contribute to sustainability and responsible dairy practices on a global scale as part of its participation in the IDF? The pursuit of sustainable development is crucial for the well-being of humanity, and businesses have a responsibility to create value for society. This year, Yili introduced a global industry initiative for sustainable development called the 'WISH2030 Declaration'. In this declaration, Yili emphasises its commitment to assume a leading role in the industry and actively fulfil its corporate social responsibility. Yili aims to take concrete actions in various areas, including sustainable development, biodiversity conservation, carbon neutralisation of the supply chain, water resource protection and social welfare. By doing so, Yili aims to drive the entire supply chain towards a greener and more sustainable future, contributing to the overall advancement of the health cause. In August, the China National Center of Technology Innovation for the Dairy Industry, in which Yili played a part in its establishment, was inaugurated and commenced operations. Situated in Yili’s Modern Intelligent Health Valley, this centre is the only national-level technology innovation centre in China’s dairy industry. It focuses on researching core technologies in the dairy industry and aims to provide robust scientific and technological support for the high-quality and sustainable development of the global dairy industry. Moving forward, Yili will continue to invest in innovation and R&D and share the latest innovative technologies and experiences from China’s dairy industry with the rest of the world.

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