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FoodBev Media

FoodBev Media

27 October 2008

Antioxidant-enriched tomatoes may prevent cancer

Antioxidant-enriched tomatoes may prevent cancer

European scientists have published a new study in <1> on the benefits genetically engineered purple tomatoes can provide in the fight against cancer and heart disease.

In the study, researchers fed cancer-prone mice with purple tomato concentrate and concluded that the tomatoes increased the lifespan of the mice by almost 22%.

Chemical tests revealed the engineered tomatoes to contain high levels of antioxidant activity, almost triple in comparison to non-modified tomatoes. The same phytochemical is also found in blueberries, which is one the most powerful antioxidant-rich fruits.

The preliminary research was conducted at the John Innes Centre in Norwich, UK, in collaboration with other European centres participating to the Flora project.


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