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FoodBev Media
7 April 2008
Bekum demonstrates enhanced Tandem Blow process

*The Tandem Blow process developed by Bekum is increasingly proving to be an engine of efficiency. This process, first unveiled at the K1998, can point to an extremely successful market penetration after almost 10 years. *
The success of this technology ideally complements the trend towards small drinking yogurt bottles, such as Actimel & Co.
The compact BM-series (BM 206/506) can be operated using the Tandem Blow process. The output from a single or twin machine can be doubled this way (an increase in capacity of 100%). The customer doesn't even need to order a new machine, as this is also offered by Bekum as retrofitting.
Tandem Blow signifies the simultaneous blow-moulding of top and bottom, with its additional so-called 'bottom calibration'. The process, according to information supplied by Bekum, cannot be provided with equivalent performance parameters by the competition.
In terms of small drink bottles, Tandem Blow systems achieves an output of more than 100 million containers a year. The equipment is regarded as the reference in its class. * Increasing output using Multi-Cavity* Small bottles for convenient consumption of milk-based drinks, sport drinks, juices and functional drinks for all age groups, with content ranging from 100 to 300ml, are currently fashionable.
The Multi-Cavity procedure used for this makes an even higher cavity density of the tools possible. A normal machine is equipped with a form width of 500mm – a modified machine, such as the BM 506 DL (D= Double Station / L = Long Stroke), can accommodate forms with a width of up to 650mm. This results in a cavity density up to 30% higher.
There's a solution for almost every problem: the food containers can be manufactured in a single layer, demonstrating the typical three-layer structure of a milk container, or be equipped with a barrier layer and be coextruded in a six-layer form.
Booming market Tandem Blow is currently bringing Bekum a steady flow of new orders. New systems for drinking yogurt bottles, similar to the Actimel brand, are being delivered.
The average production rate of the DM 506 DL is around 19,500 bottles an hour. In this case, Bekum even optimised the bottle weight in the wall thickness. The optimised Actimel bottles were subsequently tested for their fall properties, pressure resistance, and general mechanical properties. The results of the tests were more than convincing for the customer, and compared to conventionally manufactured bottles, economised on material by 25%.