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FoodBev Media
19 April 2024
Danish Crown proposes closure of Denmark abattoir, risks 1,200 jobs
Danish Crown has proposed the closure of its abattoir in Ringsted, Denmark, which would result in the loss of almost 1,200 jobs. The company said the proposed change is in response to a ‘challenging two years for Danish slaughter pig production’. Danish Crown said it plans to concentrate its future investments with the aim of processing pigs into products such as bacon and pepperoni rather than primarily being a supplier of raw materials. Jais Valeur, Group CEO at Danish Crown, said: “It is a heavy decision to close the abattoir in Ringsted, and especially to say goodbye to so many skilled and well-liked colleagues, but it is a necessary measure in our efforts to develop Danish Crown’s position as a modern food company. In making these changes, we are doing all we can to improve efficiency at the abattoirs and sell many more processed products to our key European customers." Danish Crown has made DKK 250 million (approx. $35.66 million) available for other investments over the next three years, with plans to create around 300 new jobs at its locations in Horsens, Herning, Vejen and Blans near Sønderborg. Valeur added: “The global pork trade has changed significantly in recent years, and the market for exporting pork for processing around the world is now dominated by Spain, the US and Brazil. On the other hand, we see a potential for processed products, with the European market in particular showing considerable interest in the bacon and pepperoni being produced by Danish Crown.” A significant portion of the production that currently takes place in Ringsted will move to Danish Crown’s other facilities in Denmark. Jesper Sørensen, SVP of Fresh Production at Danish Crown, added: “When the decision is made to close a facility, our social plan for laid-off employees is implemented. This means, for example, that every single employee will be invited to an interview to talk about the possibility of them being employed at one of Danish Crown’s other companies. Funding is also allocated to pay for courses and education programmes which can help employees find work with another company, because it’s important for us that we help as many of our employees as possible to find a good job.” According to the proposals, the closure of Ringsted abattoir would occur in mid-September 2024. You might also like to read: