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FoodBev Media

28 May 2024

1440 Foods to open new $60m production facility

1440 Foods to open new $60m production facility

US-based active nutrition company 1440 Foods has announced it will open a new production facility in Jeffersonville, Indiana, to meet growing demand for healthy snacks. 1440 Foods, jointly owned by 4x4 Capital and Bain Capital Private Equity, offers a portfolio of foods and supplements designed to support muscle development, recovery and overall wellbeing. Its sports nutrition brands include Pure Protein, Met-Rx and Body Fortress. The project will involve the renovation of 200,000-square-feet of office and manufacturing space, and installation of new equipment, representing a total investment of more than $60 million. Hiring is underway for the plant and will continue throughout 2024, with an anticipated opening date in 2025. Alexandre Médicis, chairman of the board for 1440 Foods, described the opening of the new location as a “significant milestone in our plan to make protein-rich snacking options accessible to as many people as possible”. He added: “We considered several locations but found that Jeffersonville was perfect due to its proximity to major transportation channels and availability of a skilled and ready workforce. We look forward to becoming part of the Jeffersonville community, and we’re eager to expand our fantastic team in the coming months.” The development of the new facility is supported by up to $3.7 million in incentive-based tax credits through the Indiana Economic Development Corporation. Additional partners supporting the project include America Place and One Southern Indiana.

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