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FoodBev’s Dan Bunt spoke to Melanie Luangrath, director of new business development at DSM, following the company's victory in the Best Plant-Based Snack category at this year's
World Plant-Based Innovation Awards 2023. The winning innovation was DSM-Firmenich's Vertis CanolaPRO nutrition bar with cranberry. Better nutrition means better performance: that’s the philosophy behind their advanced Vertis CanolaPRO nutrition bar. Delicious and filling, this protein bar contains an ingredient with sufficient levels of all nine essential amino acids to be considered a complete protein. Whether it's powering Team DSM-Firmenich endurance cyclists, casual gym goers or just busy days, a high-quality protein isolate and a convenient on-the-go format make the Vertis CanolaPRO nutrition bar a first-place finisher. Watch the full interview, below.